Tuesday, December 30, 2008

You know you're from Colorado if:

North is mountains on the left, South is mountains on the right, and East and West are where all those damn liberals come from.

You can make it over a 12,000 foot pass in four feet of snow, but can't make it into work in four inches.

You hang a $5000 mountain bike on the back of your $500 car.

When you wake up and it's eighty degrees, you wonder if it will snow.

Explosive decompression of the aircraft cabin doesn't faze you in the least.

You don't know the population of towns, but you damn well know their elevations.

You get seriously annoyed when people freak out just because there is a twenty-foot statue of a man on a horse in the middle of the intersection.

You think that the two parties of our two-party system are Republican and Californian.

People from other states breathe five times as often as you do.

You know what the PRB is (People's Republic of Boulder)

Potato chips are always crunchy, they might get moldy, but they are always crunchy.

Your idea of formal wear is ironed denim.

When people out east say they have mountains, you laugh.

Not only have you urinated on the continental divide so it can run into both oceans, but you get a certain feeling of satisfaction knowing that both California and Texas are downstream.

When visiting friends back east you can run up ten flights of stairs without getting winded.

Whenever you get lost, you stop and look for the mountains.

You've run both your furnace and air conditioner in the same day.

You know what upslope and downslope mean.

You think red means three more cars.

When people say, oh look an airplane, you instinctively look down.

If applied to buildings, FAA regulations would require that your house be pressurized.

You've driven at altitudes that would require oxygen if you were operating a plane.

Driving directions normally include the word "Pass".


  1. Great list. 20 years ago everybody complained about the Texans and their crazy driving, now its the plague of Californians bringing their Californicatin' ways with them.

    One observation:
    North is mountains on the left, South is mountains on the right

    Only if you're an east sloper.

    I'm only at 6500 feet. Now I have altitude envy. Thanks a lot!

  2. So you're saying you're surrounded by mountains and liberals? Ha! Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ...

    This one eastern liberal city dweller--where all the streets are in a straight line and if you can count you can't get lost-- wishes you mountaineers a Happy New Year!
