Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morn

Merry Christmas to all!

And a beautiful morning it is; Clear blue skies, pure white snow, and a temperature of 18 degrees. The wind is calm right now, but the forecast is for high winds, 50's gusting to 70 later on today.

Christmas in the mountains always seems like Christmas... I don't think we've had a Christmas that wasn't white since I've moved here and there is probably a foot of snow on the ground right now.

Could be better, a few years ago we got three feet in the 'Christmas Blizzard'... but for now all of the storms seem to be focused on the western slope. Perhaps the wind will push some of it this way, we have a 20% chance tonight and a 40% chance tomorrow. Although the weather around here is a little unpredictable, back in the beginning of the month we had a chance of flurries and got a foot.

Well, perhaps more later...

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