Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Where's Spring

Well it's almost here, the middle of May. The elk are seen both morning and night along with a few mulies here and there. Oddly enough, we don't have leaves yet, the aspen are just beginning to bud. Things are beginning to green up, cows are with calves, and while still somewhat cold at night, the days are beginning to be somewhat pleasant.

Nice, albiet somewhat strange day today... warmer up here in the mountains than it was down on the plains when I left work. Hit 70 before the overcast moved in, although we are not supposed to get any rain. I suppose I'll have to clean up around the property now that most of the snow is gone, well mostly gone except down by the barn where it slides off the roof forming great heaps. It's amazing what seems to blow in over the winter, littering the ground before the vegetation takes off. Time to clean up the property and clean off the deck in time for Memorial Day.